Who are the prospective parents?

Prospective parents are a couple or an individual who is unable to conceive a child due to certain medical reasons, including:

  • Poor egg quality
  • Early menopause, due to cancer treatment, primary ovarian insufficiency, genetics, etc.
  • Being born without ovaries
  • Advanced maternal age
  • To avoid passing on unknown genetic disorders or diseases
  • Naturally low ovarian reserve from unknown causes

In most cases, parents use an egg donor in order to become parents, especially if they have poor quality of eggs or no eggs but are physically able to carry a baby. In this process, eggs are harvested from a young healthy woman and fertilised with sperm for the baby to develop. Given that the prospective parent has a healthy womb, the baby is transferred to her womb for implantation and further development. She goes through the wonderful and miraculous experience of pregnancy, bonding with her unborn child till the day of bearing.

The prospective parent is hereby presented with an opportunity to go through a pregnancy as her womb performs the miracle of developing a human being inside her that she at due time delivers into earth through her chosen method of delivery. This baby is hers, legally and otherwise and she has birthed the child. This is the major difference between opting for egg donation versus adoption; the involvement of parent’s prior conception, bonding with the unborn baby, and being in control of mother’s behaviour during pregnancy till birth and participation thereof.

Use of donated egg:

Miracle Gift donor agency handles the connection between the prospective parents with the egg donor and collects information and tests for the qualification process.  Prospective parents may consider a variety of characteristics when selecting an egg donor. These may include:

The egg donor’s health condition, physical appearance in terms of complexion, height, etc. level of education, religious background, talents and interests, personality traits, etc.

Steps towards becoming Prospective Parents:

  1. ) Register on our data base as in need of a donor
  2. ) Go through our Egg Donor Data Base and read all health, features and personality information on the available donors
  3. ) Choose a donor of your choice and inform us of your selection
  4. ) Choose a fertility clinic of your choice and inform us of your selection
  5. ) Pay the agency fee
  6. ) Pay the donor compensation fee (once the process has started with the Fertility specialist)
  7. ) Pay donor transportation fee for check-ups till egg retrieval at the Fertility Centre
  8. ) Go get your information on the harvested eggs, get them fertilized, start counting embryos and get on your way towards becoming a parent.


Will the prospective parents meet me?
All our egg donor arrangements are anonymous. The closest the prospective parent gets to meet the donor is through viewing the egg donor’s baby picture when under 10 years of age.

Are there possible side effects and risks associated to egg donation?
Possible side effects may include temporary

  • Bloating
  • Constipation
  • Abdominal swelling
  • Ovarian Hyperstimulation syndrome which is a rare but serious condition should it occur. It involves leakage of fluid from the blood vessels into the abdominal cavity and when not treated early can worsen to involve the heart and lungs. This is a known complication that all fertility specialists guard against and aim to avoid from the onset of stimulation and thus it rarely occurs.

Are there any restrictions on any activities during the process?


Be assured that all our egg donors are already prescreened and selectively chosen as Good donors from assessments. They are taken through a Physical Examination by a Fertility Specialist or Gynaecologist;

Medical Blood Tests; and Psychological Assessments prior to being included in our database, all covered by Miracle Gift. 

We provide quality and affordable services because we want your parenthood dream to come true". 



Screening of egg donors

Egg donors go through a medical assessment questionnaire to determine their fitness to donate eggs.
Medical blood tests are done on every donor first prior to them being listed as a potential egg donor to rule out diseases like HIV, low egg counts, etc. and save time for prospective parents sifting through multiple egg donors.
A gynaecological exam is done by a fertility specialist to pre-qualify the egg donor before listing.
Psychological assessment is done on egg donors


Profiling egg donors

Once the egg donor is pre-qualified by our agency, their profiles are then made available on our Pre-qualified Egg Donor list to provide ample information to all prospective parents.


  • Assisting prospective parents in finding their perfect egg donor match
    • We are in communication with the prospective parent and provide them with as much information as possible on the egg donor.
    • The whole process is anonymous with the donor and prospective parent not meeting nor in communication. We are the middleman operational in this search.


  • Linkage of an egg donor to the prospective parent's chosen fertility clinic
    • The prospective parents then inform us of their fertility clinic of choice where we then send all their chosen donor’s information for the egg donation process to begin.
    • Let the work begin and let good times roll!

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